[Jul 31] Methods Speaker Series: Validity…what?!? Demystifying the concept of validity

Sneha Shankar

[Jul 31] Methods Speaker Series: Validity…what?!? Demystifying the concept of validity

Sneha Shankar

Sneha Shankar

TI Methods Speaker Series

This event is over. Registration is now closed. Click here to access a video recording of this event.  Click here to view a list of all talks offered as part of the TI Methods Speaker Series.

WHEN: Wednesday, July 31st, 2019 from 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM

WHERE: Lecture Theatre 1 (LSC 101 LT1) in the Life Sciences Centre, UBC Point Grey Campus. Remote attendance by videoconference is possible but you will need to register.

TITLE: Validity…what?!? Demystifying the concept of validity. A journey through the evolution of validity to current methods and best practice, available resources and ways to gather strong validity evidence.

SPEAKER: Ms. Sneha Shankar, PhD Candidate in Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology within UBC’s Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education & Clinical Instructor, Dept of OSOT, Faculty of Medicine.

About the topic: Validity is a cornerstone of measurement. Validity evidence is a requirement for all tests and assessments, yet so much has changed in the past years. In this presentation, I talk about the evolution of validity from the traditional or tripartite (“types”) view to contemporary validation practices and the unified view of validity. The change from validity evidence as produced from correlations to validity as evidence of interpretations for proposed test use means practical differences in how evidence is collected and discussed. I explain the implications of considering validity in a checklist format and how to build a strong validity argument, while drawing links between understanding the meaning of an assessment and employing patient- or student-centered practices. Also discussed are notions of hidden invalidity evidence and its contributions to questionable measurement practices. Using reviews of validation practices, I show the implications of poor or insufficient validity evidence and the limitations this places on the comparability of assessments.

About the speaker: Ms. Sneha Shankar has a breadth of experience with assessments in both educational and health contexts. Her interests include developing and applying methodologies for validation using both quantitative and qualitative approaches, with a particular focus on response processes, dyadic level of analyses and psychological constructs such as motivation, resilience, and goals. Her work is interdisciplinary and has implications towards understanding interactions that occur during testing processes and improving scientific practices for stronger health and educational outcomes. Trained as a Kinesiologist and Occupational Therapist, she brings an understanding of the practical use of assessments, such as during interactions with patients. A question driving her research interests in validity is, How does validity evidence enhance our understanding of a measure?

About the TI Methods Speaker Series: The TI Methods Speaker Series are offered free of charge and everyone is welcome, but space is limited, registered participants will be given priority. Remote attendance is possible by videoconference, you will receive the link after you register. Click here to view a list of all talks offered as part of the TI Methods Speaker Series.

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