06 May 2020 Hitting the target but missing the point: The case against LDL and A1C targets
Dr. Aaron Tejani, PharmD gave this presentation on October 5th, 2019 in Vancouver, BC at the “Bringing Best Evidence to Clinicians” medical education conference marking the 25th anniversary of the UBC Therapeutics Initiative. Dr. Tejani is a clinical assistant professor with the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (University of British Columbia), Medication use evaluation pharmacist with Lower Mainland Pharmacy Services (Vancouver, BC) and co-chair of the Education Working Group, UBC Therapeutics Initiative. He currently serves as a peer reviewer for several biomedical journals. Dr. Tejani has published scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals (including authoring 11 Cochrane systematic reviews) and presented to healthcare professional groups at local, national, and international conferences. He is particularly interested in teaching healthcare professionals how to critically appraise research publications and systematic reviews on medical interventions. He is the lead author of a number of Therapeutics Letters.
We are making the video recording of Dr. Tejani’s presentation “Hitting the target but missing the point: The case against LDL and A1C targets” available to the public. You can view it by clicking on this LINK.
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