Best Evidence Webinar: COVID-19: Finding a Treatment That Works

Best Evidence Webinar: COVID-19: Finding a Treatment That Works

Dr. Srinivas Murthy

Dr. Srinivas Murthy

Dr. Srinivas Murthy is an infectious diseases and critical care physician at the University of British Columbia who in July 2020 has been awarded the Health Research Foundation of Innovative Medicines Canada Chair in Pandemic Preparedness Research. His academic and clinical focus is on emerging infections and clinical care, and he is the principal investigator of a number of randomized clinical trials evaluating therapies for patients with COVID-19. He is an active consultant with the Public Health Agency of Canada and the World Health Organization, and is a frequent contributor to national media in Canada and internationally on COVID-19 related subjects. This presentation provided an overview of the currently available therapies for patients with COVID-19 and discussed ways that health systems can adjust to learning more quickly what works as part of a learning health system.

This event has already taken place. Scroll down to view a video recording of the event.

PRESENTER: Dr. Srinivas Murthy, MD.

TOPIC: COVID-19: Finding a Treatment That Works

DATE: Wednesday, September 9,  2020

TIME: 19:00 – 20:15 Pacific Daylight Time [UTC -7: convert to your local time]

AUDIENCE: Clinicians, health professionals, researchers, and others interested in infectious disease research.

CME CREDITS: MainPro+/MOC Section 1 credits: 1.0You must register, attend the webinar and complete the evaluation in order to receive your certificate.

1 Comment
  • John Guilfoyle
    Posted at 12:17h, 31 August Reply

    Looks interesting

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