[Oct 29] Medicating Normal

[Oct 29] Medicating Normal

Dr. Tom Perry of the UBC Therapeutics Initiative is participating as a guest panelist in the live community discussion that will follow the virtual screening of Medicating Normal, hosted by the Periscope Foundation on October 29, 2020 starting at 7 pm PDT. Medicating Normal is a documentary film exploring the conventional mental health care system’s reliance on psychiatric drugs to deal with trauma, grief, and distress. The film documents the journeys of five individuals profoundly impacted by the medications they were taking. Interviews with these individuals, psychiatrists and medical experts reveal the current mental health profession’s drug-centered approach to treatment and the crises this created. But they also reveal the more thoughtful and individualized perspectives of several academic psychiatrists and a clinical psychologist.

Schedule for October 29, 2020:

  • 7:00 pm PDT: Livestream virtual screening of Medicating Normal via Zoom, 76-minute running time.
  • 8:15 pm PDT – 9:30 pm PDT: Live Community Discussion immediately following the film featuring the following panelists:
    • David Cope, US Naval Academy and MIT graduate, former Naval Officer, retired Naval Engineer, & subject of the film
    • Angela Peacock, MSW, former Army Sergeant, & subject of the film
    • Dr. Tom Perry, Internist and Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia; Co-chair of Therapeutics Initiative’s Education Working Group, Editor-in-Chief of the Therapeutics Letter.
    • Wendy Ractliffe, Co-Director/Producer/Executive Producer, Medicating Normal

Review:Medicating Normal dares to challenge prevailing myths about how psychotropic medications work, or fail to, in our ongoing struggle to treat mental illness. It promises to spark a long-overdue national conversation on the growing problem of overprescribing.” – Anna Lembke M.D., psychiatrist, faculty Stanford University Medical School.

Periscope Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that funds production and outreach for Medicating Normal.

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