Invitation to BC healthcare workers to participate in a brief survey on thyroid tests

Invitation to BC healthcare workers to participate in a brief survey on thyroid tests

RePORT Thyroid survey invitation

British Columbia (BC) healthcare workers, have you ordered a thyroid test or thyroid replacement recently? Literature and experts suggest that thyroid tests are often inappropriately ordered, and that education would be helpful in encouraging more purposeful use of thyroid tests. As a healthcare worker who orders thyroid tests or replacements, we would like to understand your perspective on how thyroid tests are ordered in B.C. We will use your input to help make educational resources to support informed decision making when ordering thyroid tests and replacements.

We are inviting you to participate in a 15-minute online survey. The aim of this survey is to obtain feedback from healthcare workers on the key recommendations for thyroid testing, and the feedback will be used to help develop educational materials. Your participation is completely voluntary. You can refuse to participate or withdraw at any time up to the point that you submitthe survey without penalty. Your incomplete responses will be recorded. Survey will be administered through Qualtrics, an online survey platform with servers located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. All data is encrypted and stored directly on its servers. Researcher access to the survey data is password-protected and the transmission is encrypted. Survey responses cannot be linked to your computer. To thank you for your time, you have the option to be entered in a prize draw to win one of three Amazon gift cards for completing the survey. Below is the link to this survey which also includes the consent form.

To participate, please click on this link:

If you are interested, we will also be holding a follow-up focus group session, which will take approximately 1 hour to complete. Our goal is to work towards constructing educational resources for thyroid testing. Your participation is completely voluntary. You can refuse to participate or withdraw at any time during the focus group without penalty. To learn more about the study or if you are interested in participating in the session, please email with your name and contact details.

Any data gathered in this study will be de-identified to ensure confidentiality. Please be aware that if you choose to comment on, “like” the post or share the post to personal social media accounts or blogs, you will be publicly identified with the study.  If you have further questions concerning matters related to this research, please contact: Dr. Anshula Ambasta, Principal Investigator, University of British Columbia. The REB Ethics ID for this research study is H22-03357.


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