Improving science through meta-research

Improving science through meta-research

This live webinar has already taken place. Scroll down to view the video recording.

Dr. Tom Hardwicke presented a series of studies that illustrate how meta-research (‘research-on-research’) can improve science by identifying problems and testing solutions. The scientific ecosystem is perpetually evolving; the discipline of meta-research presents an opportunity to use empirical evidence to guide its development and maximize its potential.

TITLE: Improving science through meta-research

WHEN: Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 at 4:00 PM PDT [convert to your local time]

WHERE: This is a free online webinar.

SPEAKER: Dr. Tom Hardwicke, Research Fellow at the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, University of Melbourne

About the topic: From Mars rovers to vaccines, the fruits of the scientific endeavour are all around us. However, research is performed by fallible humans in an ecosystem that often allocates funding, awards, and publication prestige based on the aesthetics of research findings above the accuracy of research methods, creating opportunities for bias to pollute the scientific literature. In the shadow of scientific success lies a proliferation of exaggerated and spurious research findings that leads to waste, misinformation, and ineffective or even harmful interventions in applied settings. In this webinar, Dr. Tom Hardwicke presented a series of studies that illustrate how meta-research (‘research-on-research’) can improve science by identifying problems and testing solutions. The scientific ecosystem is perpetually evolving; the discipline of meta-research presents an opportunity to use empirical evidence to guide its development and maximize its potential.

About the speaker: Dr. Tom Hardwicke is a Research Fellow at the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences at The University of Melbourne, Australia. He received his PhD in Experimental Psychology from University College London in 2016 and subsequently completed post-doctoral fellowships at The Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford University (METRICS), The QUEST Center for Responsible Research at Charité Berlin, and the Department of Psychology at The University of Amsterdam. Tom works on a variety of meta-research (‘research-on-research’) projects related to transparency, bias, peer review, scientific criticism, and reproducibility.



About the TI Methods Speaker Series: The TI Methods Speaker Series are offered free of charge and everyone is welcome. The event is usually held at noon on the last Wednesday of each month via Zoom videoconference. The presentations are recorded and the video recordings are posted online. Click here to view a list of talks offered in 2023.

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